

Sydney Film Festival へ行こう!



Sydney Film Festival



Jirga — Sydney Film Festival

Made under extraordinary, and extremely dangerous, conditions, Jirga tells the emotional story of a former Australian soldier who travels to Afghanistan to seek forgiveness.

Three years after an Australian army helicopter raid on a small village led to the killing of an unarmed man, former Australian soldier Mike (Sam Smith) returns to Afghanistan to find the victim’s family. Doggedly, he sets off on a perilous journey over a terrain where both the Taliban and ISIS are active. Mike is determined to make amends and so puts his life in the hands of the Jirga – the village justice system. The risky trek has remarkable parallels with the making of the film. With an earlier version of the screenplay in hand, director Benjamin Gilmour and actor Sam Smith headed to Pakistan to shoot a film on the border with Afghanistan. When the script was deemed too politically sensitive, the promised funding disappeared and along with it the possibility to make the film. Gilmour says: “Returning to Australia to make alternative plans would’ve been the sensible conclusion to our adventure. Instead, we went with Plan B and decided to shoot the whole film ourselves in Afghanistan.” With a camera bought at a Pakistani shopping mall, Gilmour shot the hastily rewritten film himself, while frequently in danger of kidnapping or worse. The result is a sensitive and compassionate tale on the impact of war and the cost of redemption.

Jirga is my response to the proliferation of war-porn in the media, and the generalised depiction of Afghans as extremists. I wanted to counter the Islamic terrorist stereotype of contemporary American war propaganda by giving a human face to combatants and civilians alike, demonstrating the true cost of war on all sides. – Benjamin Gilmour

Benjamin Gilmour is a filmmaker, author and paramedic, based in northern NSW. His films include the feature Son of a Lion (SFF 2008) and documentary Paramedico (SFF 2012). As a published author, Gilmour’s titles include Warrior Poets: Guns, Movie-making and the Wild West of PakistanParamedico – Around the World by Ambulance and most recently the children’s book The Travel Bug.

Festival guests: Benjamin Gilmour, John Maynard and Sam Smith

Talk: After the Saturday 9 June screening of Jirga, is an Extended Q&A with Benjamin Gilmour, Sam Smith and John Maynard in the Festival Hub, starting at 2pm

Film festivalのページ上で予告も見れます。JIRGAはシリアスな映画のようで、しかもアフガニスタンで撮影したし、かなりセンシティブなトピックなのでは?ノンフィクションやドキュメンタリーが私の好みなので、この映画は私の好みに近い!どこまでが実話なのかな?とか思うけど、、でも楽しめそうな予感ぷんぷんです。




会場はState Theater!

State Theatre

State theater は今回初めて入る。ホームページ見たけどかなり歴史のあるシアターのようで作りもアンティークで素敵!会場の雰囲気だけで満足できそうな予感。お値段は大人19.9ドルです。この歴史あるシアターに入るきっかけもできたし私としてはそんなに高くないと思う。以前ミニオンの映画をシドニーで見たときは30-40ドルくらい出した気がするし、そう思うと安い!

12時から映画を楽しんで、その後はState Libraryへ行きます!月曜締め切りWritten report 15-20page仕上げますよ。



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